Learn about your specific business needs and unique operational requirements to help set up the software in compliance with your existing workflows and business processes
Interview with key decision makers within your business
Set-up and customise your Tidy solution ready for Session 2
We'll walk you through the software step-by-step and explain, in detail, the relevant features to help resolve the business challenges identified in Session 1
This demo is tailored to your business and gives you the opportunity to ask questions and receive immediate feedback on what to do and how to do it within Tidy
At the end of the session, we'll help you connect to Xero and give advice on the best practices to help you get the most out of the Tidy & Xero integration
Fine-tune account setup
Contact support for customer queries
Revisit any issues/uncertainties that arise throughout Session 1 & Session 2
TidyStart is designed to help you and your business optimise workflow using your new Tidy solution. It consists of three sessions, each up to one hour long, delivered over a live video conference call. Each session is designed to help you get the most out of Tidy, building on the knowledge and understanding gained throughout the programme.
These sessions are beneficial in several ways; they help induct and train users, learn about what your business requires from the software, and communicate and apply these learnings to the set-up.
Price is indicative and may be subject to change based on the needs and complexity of your business.
TidyStart is a service for Tidy customers. To get going, simply convert your trial into a subscription.
TidyStart payment is due in advance of services rendered. Once payment is received, we'll work with you to schedule Session 1
From experience, it's best that we progress through the sessions at pace. Hence, we require completion of the entire TidyStart Module 1 within 30 days of Session 1. If, for reasons beyond Tidy's control, the TidyStart Module 1 cannot be completed within 30 days of Session 1, Tidy holds no responsibility for delivering the remaining sessions or allotted support. No refunds apply.
All sessions are designed to be held via video conference. We send out a 1-hour meeting request for each session, which contains a conference link, to be held at a time convenient to everyone. If a session needs to be cancelled/rescheduled by the customer, 24-hour notice is required. Unattended sessions and late notices may incur a fee.