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New Item and Assembly Component Import Tool

October 1, 2020

Please note, this release is for users of Tidy 2 only. If you do not have Tidy 2 and want to learn more, please read How to Get Tidy 2.

We have released a new way of importing material items and assembly components into Tidy. This is with Tidy 2’s import tool.

Using Tidy 2’s import tool will save time and reduce errors when you import items or assembly components. Update existing items or import new items with ease, enabling you to further increase the efficiency of your business processes.

Importing Items

Tidy 2’s import tool allows you to easily upload a file containing the items you want to import, then match the columns with the corresponding field in Tidy.

If the column header matches the Tidy field, Tidy will automatically match the information. For columns not matching, you can easily match them manually or choose to ignore the columns.

To learn more about how to import items, please read:

Importing Assemblies

Tidy 2’s import tool also allows you to import assembly components.

Easily match assembly components to the related Tidy fields. If an assembly item does not exist in your Tidy account, you can create a new assembly item from the imported components.

Once the assembly components have been matched, click Import and the information will be available in your Tidy account.

Using Tidy 2’s import functionality enables you to save time on the manual processes in your business and allocate more time to the important tasks.

To learn more about how to import assembly components into Tidy 2, please read:

Minor Fixes & Release Notes