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Bulk Stock Adjustment and Enhanced Inline Search Functionality

December 18, 2024

For TidyStock Users:

  • There is now an empty truck icon next to material items that have pending purchase orders. This can be seen on the materials item page.  
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  • When creating a sales order, you can now see a ‘Live stock index’ for each material item you add to the order.
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  • When creating a Purchase order, you can see a ‘Last purchase cost index’ for each material item you add.
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  • When you receive a purchase order, you can split off unreceived items into a new purchase order.
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  • There is now a Bulk Stock Adjustment feature, which allows you to perform stock takes in bulk.

  • You can now create a Purchase order from an assembly, simplifying the creation by auto-filling the components.
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A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  • Catalog Pricing: Added to the material item menu.
  • The last purchase cost is now reflected in the material item menu. This acts as the updated unit cost when creating a PO with the material.
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  • Users now have the option to select Xero tracking categories as a required step for all sales and purchase orders.
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A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  • Users now have the option to add landing costs as separate invoice items when receiving purchase or sales orders.
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For TidyEnterprise Users:

Cursor Placement for New Planned Material:

When adding a new planned material, your cursor will now automatically be placed in the material line.

Pro Tip: Use Alt+N to create a new line instantly—no need to scroll back to the top!

Enhanced Inline Search (Autocomplete):

To prevent the search results from disappearing off the page, we’ve now included a scroll bar to enhance the inline search functionality:

This allows up to 100 results to be displayed for search terms longer than three characters, and 20 results for shorter terms.

Minor Fixes & Release Notes

- #18991 - API optimisation - GET Projects

- #18992 - PackingSlip keywords for email and phone

- #18993 - User Role Option for AssemplerSalesPerson (needs manual enablement currently)

- #18994 - Assembly component wastage not accounted for

- #18995 - Sale pinning allowing backdate

- #18996 - Remove duplicate/conflicting setting for SaleDeliveryDateEnabled

- #18997 - Report parameter IsOptional=N not effective

- #18998 - New Planned materials - message re duplicate items

- #18999 - GlobalSetting to set the email .CC default setting

- #19000 - ToDO : PO Credit not handling 2DP

- #19001 - MaterialItem History : Transaction order not accounting for transaction Index (on same day)

- #19002 - PO Credit does not honour local time

- #19003 - Extend valiation range for MOQ/UOP

- #19004 - include MOQ/UOP data in API GET

- #19005 - API POST TASK (v1)

- #19006 - PO Receipting dispursement rounding issue

- #19007 - PO Receipting - unable to cope with empty batch  

- #19008 - API POST TASK (v2)

- #19009 - Materials UX - unsightly wrapping of column text

- #19010 - Introduce/Extend Sortability on SO list (like POs)

- #19011 - Sale Clone - misses cloning of currency

- #19012 - Prevent a RA from removing the RA role from themselves

- #19013 - Batches Dialog Crosstalk (Batches vs BatchesOutput)

- #19014 - PO Receipting - indication of an items paren Conversion status

- #19015 - BulkStockTake - validation to prevent stocktake of a Batch enabled item

- #19016 - Batches dialogues not saleable - hardcode relief to 2000 , needs followup