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Robustness and reliability

July 4, 2016

This release focuses on improving robustness and reliability.

Listed below are the features and fixes we have added.

New features

Material writer - see all materials

There is now an option to allow material writers to view the materials written by all material users in the project console. The option is titled "Can see material entries by other users?" and is available in a user's roles and options list, within their user profile, when they have the base role of material writer set.

Purchase order search improvement

The date range setting is now ignored when searching purchase orders using the simple search.

API Changes

(See more details in the API documentation)

Project Groups

Project Groups API and Project Groups API Client have been added.

Count items

You can now count items in a collection without needing to retrieve them first.

Purchase order improvements

Improvements have been made to the create, update and receive processes for purchase orders.

New features

Increased reliability

We have increased the reliability and robustness by adding retry mechanisms. This will improve the network resilience.

Improved reporting on materials

Materials assigned in the purchase order queue now have a direct link to the purchase order line. Behind the scenes we have improved the robustness of this process.

Deleting purchase order items

The delete item process in purchase orders has been improved. Previously when creating a purchase order, items could not be deleted when the quantity was zero and the item was assigned.

Purchase order dates

Previously the purchase order date would remain blank if it was receipted with no date entered. A number of changes have been made to fix this. Invoice numbers and dates can now be edited. A related purchase orders list has been added. Behind the scenes we have improved the handling of dates.

Purchase Order queue save

A bug which stopped purchase orders being saved from the queue has been fixed.

Fixed price tasks in customised templates

Tasks which are fixed price are now able to be used in customised templates. As part of this, fixed price tasks have been added to the project proposal template data.

Editing materials in the project console

Previously when a peer manager or approver was using the project console, they would be intermittently be unable to edit materials. This has been fixed.

Minor Fixes & Release Notes