We've released a new update to Tidy's products with a number of improvements and fixes.
You can now schedule in hours. Previously when editing the breakdown of booked time, you could only choose from a list of preconfigured percentages. Now you also have the ability to set the duration in hours.
The resource schedule now shows whether a task assignment has been completed.
A bug which would prevent you from releasing the mouse selection after dragging and dropping has been fixed.
We've improved Sales Orders to make them more efficient and easier to use.
The More Details section now remembers whether you opened it last time you looked at a Sale.
The last sale date you entered is remembered and is used as the default for new sales (unless the date has already passed).
A new Role option for Sales Person has been added (Global Settings > Users) which allows you to control whether the Sales Person can see the Inventory Dashboard.
We now have more powerful features for creating custom reports. We've extended the parameters you're able to run reports on so you can create reports which more closely meet your specific needs.
We have improved our infrastructure to provide faster performance and to improve the reliability of the system.
The API has been further improved to make more Quotes data available. Projects can now be searched by ID of the Quote they were generated from.
There are also a number of behind the scenes improvements.