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New Stock Level Warnings Screen

June 1, 2022

New Stock Level Warnings screen

There is now an Inventory tab in TidyStock which is home to the new Stock Level Warnings screen. This screen shows material items that are approaching your stock reorder level. It also calculates a "working total" based on your current stock level, unreceived purchases, and sales on order. From this, you're given a recommended reorder level, allowing you to quickly and easily reorder items that are getting low in stock.

Reorder multiplier

You can change when items start appearing on your stock level warnings screen by editing the reorder multiplier. This is done in the Sales & Purchases section of Company Settings. If your reorder multiplier is set to 1.2 (120%), material items will begin appearing on the stock level warnings screen when their stock level falls to 120% of their reorder level. If you have longer lead times for purchases, you can set the reorder multiplier to a bigger number. This will make items appear on your stock level warnings dashboard earlier, enabling you to send purchase orders earlier and prevent stock shortages.

Minor Fixes & Release Notes