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Changes to Batch functionality and wider screen view

February 1, 2022

Batch functionality changes

On the Batch output screen, you can now search and filter for a particular Batch number and choose to show/hide Batches with no current stock level.

When a Sale is saved as Draft, Quote or On Order, the assigned quantities to the Batch number will be saved as well. If you come back to the Sale later, you will still need to reconfirm all the assigned quantities by clicking the clipboard for each material item and clicking save. This will be quicker than before as all the batch numbers will already be populated with a quantity.

Widened viewport of the Tidy application

The width of the screen can now be altered in Tidy. This option is available in the Company Settings. Please refer the snippet below:

When the Canvas Width is “Large”, the screen is wider and displays more information. In the Sale list, a column appears for the Customer Reference on a Sale. This is shown below:

Minor Fixes & Release Notes