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February 17, 2017

Tidy Messaging

We've added a messaging system so we can keep users updated with important information, such as updates, fixes, status changes and outages. In future, we’ll use these messages instead of emails to tell users about changes. These messages mean we can communicate with the users who need to know about the topic, and don't need to interrupt others.

There’s a new envelope icon in the top bar, that shows when there are new messages to read.

Users can also read previous messages by clicking on the envelope. While we will sometimes invite replies to these messages, users should still use the support button to ask for help or talk to us about anything else. We're planning more improvements to our communications, so watch this space.


We now have an option for documents included in a quote to be visible in the project which results from accepting the quote.

WageEasy Payroll

We've made some enhancements to our WageEasy Payroll export.

  • We can handle allowances - this is done using specially flagged material categories.
  • Project Groups can be exported in place of Departments.
  • Each user's time zone in accounted for.


Customer Portal

Fixed a bug which prohibited customers from logging into the customer portal.

Users List

Users now sort alphabetically.

Purchase Order Template

Line tax value and line price value are now output.


The file size limit on imports has been increased from 1MB to 10MB.


Improved our handling of material location stock levels.

Fixed problems with converting from unmanaged to managed stock with a quantity of zero.

Fixed problems with importing materials from CSV when quantity is zero.


Improved validation for Purchase Orders.

You can now specify a task when creating a Purchase Order. This allows for Project assignment in one call.

Minor Fixes & Release Notes